A Practitioner’s Perspective

by Brittany Crist, RScP

Enjoy the Ride!

Recently I returned to the workforce after a long pause.  I found myself in a new work environment, on a completely different sleep schedule.  Oh, and I had completely forgotten about traffic.  Seriously, what is up with these commuters?  Between the change of pace and getting used to a new normal, I have been feeling my feelings.

It’s been a conscious effort to remain present each day and to not get distracted by the activities around me.  Every day there is new information to learn and new expectations.  About a month into my training, I remembered that I am at choice.  I can be in the chaos around me, or I can accept that this is totally for my GOOD and enjoy the ride.  I hand selected this company.  I chose to be here.  This truly is where I am meant to be at this time.

Life is a series of constant changes.  I’m reminded of what happens to water when it doesn’t circulate.  It becomes stagnant and smelly.  It breeds mosquitoes.  That can happen to us as well when we dig our heels in and resist the changes that are in front of us. 

When was the last time you faced a change in your life from a place of curiosity and wonder?  Our founder, Ernest Holmes said: “Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what she thinks into it.”  What are you thinking?  Our lives are an expression of our thoughts and beliefs – make them count!

Something that’s been up for me during my training is my body’s response to fear.  Things like a job interview, public speaking, and leaving the training environment at work create turmoil in my body.  The icky kind that no one wants to talk about.  Yes, even as a Practitioner, I still have times when I forget the Truth.  I am fully loved and supported.  I am capable.  There is no logical reason for my fear response, and I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be.  So, I’m sitting on the edge of the crossroad, will I lean in and surrender?  Will I allow myself to enjoy the ride?

 I invite you to consider your life in this moment.  December can be both beautiful and hectic at the same time.  What if you decided today that you will enjoy the ride?  What if you sat in wonder about the possibilities in your life?  What if the next time resistance pops up, you were curious about it?  Are you willing to try something new? 


On the Minister's Mind


A Practitioner’s Perspective