We know the power of prayer is a formidable force for shifting current situations. Our Practitioners go through years of training so that they can be a stand for your good. Each practitioner brings their own life experience, spiritual journey and consciousness to each practitioner session.

Susan Clark, RScP

My Intention: To engage with your inner wisdom and perfection with a focus on being rather than doing. I am here to support each member in their life with compassionate listening and prayer.

  • What is a practitioner?

    A Licensed Spiritual Practitioner is an individual who has been trained in the art, skill and science of affirmative prayer (spiritual mind treatment). A practitioner lives, demonstrates and practices spiritual truth culminating in recognition of all individuals as divine expressions of Spirit. A practitioner licensed by Centers for Spiritual Living is a professional trained to provide spiritual counseling for all situations including issues with health, prosperity, relationships, career and other life challenges. The practitioner’s work is to know the Truth about his/her clients. The Truth is always rooted in recognizing the Oneness and Unity of all.

    Is there a fee?

    Most practitioners do charge a fee for their services in one-on-one sessions. However, there are opportunities to have free mini-sessions after each service.

    Why would I want to work with a Practitioner?

    Working with a practitioner is one of the most effective ways to make substantial shifts in your life. It is about being awake, aware and at choice in your life such that you can create what it is you truly desire.

    How do I choose Practitioner?

    The best way to choose someone to work with is to meet with them after Sunday service. Find the Practitioner that you feel most comfortable talking with. The ability to form a trust and speak authentically is the way you will get the most out of your sessions.

Our Practitioners

Brittany Crist, RScP

My Intention: To remind each person I encounter of their inherent worth and sacred purpose. You are magnificent exactly as you are, you are enough, you are worthy, and you matter!

  • As a Licensed Practitioner, my primary purpose is to KNOW the Truth of each person. We are equipped with an inner knowing, a Divinely Inspired compass that points us in the direction of what is right for us – our next unfoldment. There are spiritual tools available to support whatever transformation you are seeking. These tools help to shift the inner chatter away from the condition (the reality you are experiencing) to the Truth of who you are. All of the qualities of God/Spirit/Universe/Love are already within you. It’s possible to live fully empowered from a place of joy and inner resonance.

    I earned my license in 2016, with the Centers for Spiritual Living in Portland, Oregon. I am deeply grateful for the guidance, leadership and love I experienced at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living. In my career journey, I have spent time as an administrative assistant, a supervisor in a call center, a nanny, a pet sitter, a raw and living foods teacher, a colon-hydro-therapist, a small business owner and an advocate for adults who think differently. I love to learn! Additionally, I love to pour out my heart in my art studio and teach art in a way that ignites your inner child to come out and play. Life is delicious! I am grateful.

  • As a Licensed Practitioner, I welcome the opportunity to assist you wherever you are on your spiritual journey. I feel a strong call to help you acknowledge and engage with your own Inner Wisdom and perfection with a focus on being rather than doing. I affirm and honor the sacred wholeness that underlies whatever challenge is in your life and support you with compassionate listening and prayer.

    I am a member of a 12 Step fellowship and am fluent in the practices and language of the program. I have 2 adult children and 11 grandchildren who all reside in the Tampa Bay Area. I have been a Religious Science Practitioner for 14 years and worked for 11 years as a hospital/Hospice Chaplain. I also owned a retail business in Tampa for 31 years.

Barley Garza-Mappes, RScP Emeritus

My Intention: To see past conditions and recognize the Truth that human life is sacred. I support each member in their desires and am thrilled to explore the Truth together.

  • My purpose in life is to express joy, and I live from this place. As a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner I was trained to see past conditions and recognize Truth. I see your wholeness and perfection always. I know we are all richly blessed with abundance, grace, peace, wisdom and all Divine gifts.

    Our true spiritual nature always prevails, and this human life is sacred. I support you in prayer according to your desires and am thrilled to explore our Truth together in Practitioner Sessions, Science of Mind Classes and Spiritual Living Groups. I earned my original Religious Science Practitioner license in 1994 and have renewed every two years since then. My belief system has grounded me in my profession as a teacher, education director and program administrator.

Randy Southerland, RScP

My Intention: To help members develop and utilize effective spiritual tools to achieve your goals and aspirations.

  • As a Licensed Practitioner, my primary goal is to help you develop and utilize effective spiritual tools to achieve your goals and aspirations. Through Spiritual Mind Treatment we enter into the consciousness of knowing and seeing our spiritual perfection. We are not subject to our old patterns of thought and belief, but become aware there is a divine pattern already existing within. It is from this inner knowing that all great changes come. I have served as a practitioner within Centers for Spiritual Living for the past six years.

    As a former reporter and college public relations officer, I have used the principles and techniques of our teaching to develop my own career as a freelance writer. I know spiritual mind treatment works and I look forward to assisting you in your own journey of transformation and self-realization.

Ellen Fenner, RScP

My Intention: To make sure that as many people know about Center for Spiritual Living Tampa Bay as possible. Science of Mind is perfect for the 21st century.

  • I came to Center for Spiritual Living Tampa Bay in search of a community that felt in alignment with my expanding spiritual understanding. As an artist, musician, and pet care professional, I have come to see the many ways in which we each communicate with our higher selves, and the Science of Mind teaching connects all those dots for me. My experience in Sales & Marketing along with a degree in Interactive Media will serve CSLTB as we focus on ideas for reaching out to our community in ways that are in keeping with the times.


Heather Epps, RScP

My Intention: To have a spiritual practice to know the highest and best for CSL Tampa Bay and all of you.

  • Greetings from Louisville, Kentucky where I live with my wife, puppy named Skye, and two kitties. I’ve been involved with Centers for Spiritual Living since 2005. CSL is my spiritual home, a place where I’m accepted, where I grow and where I can serve.

    Being a Licensed Practitioner is about holding consciousness for the community and the members, which I do from a distance. As a remote practitioner, I have a spiritual practice to know the highest and best for CSL Tampa Bay and all of you. I do come to Tampa a few times a year and when I do, I love to attend service and support however I can in person. I am also available for spiritual counseling and prayer. If you are struggling or even if you aren’t, feel free to contact me or any practitioner. Let us pray with you!

My Intention: