On the Minister's Mind

by Rev. Laine Morgan

Are you living your life more as a human being dipping your toes into spirituality, or as a spiritual being immersed in the experience of being human?   The latter is our deepest longing, the former our likeliest reality.

You have likely heard the Sufi poet Rumi’s reminder – “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.”  I love that image because it reminds me that we each have within us the entire spectrum of God’s expression, but we are not the entire expression.  The question is  - how much are we willing to experience the Spirit within us, the loving power we really are?

Most of us are barely wading in the shallows!  We are very busy upholding the structures of our daily lives, focused on the things that keep our time and minds occupied.  All of that is quite splashy, while connecting with our souls in a mindful way takes us into the depths where we can view life from the vantage point of the loving observer.

Rumi also said "We've been walking in the surf holding our robes up, when we should be naked, diving under, deeper under."

The thing is, when we dive into spiritual practice and connection with God, our robes of humanity get wet!  Life changes as we view ourselves differently.  Self-love becomes our mantra and conflicts with others fade away.  Our priorities shift and we make different choices.  The wet robes of outdated ways of living get very heavy, and until we are ready to transform, we try very hard to hold them up out of the cleansing waters.

If you are reading this, you are likely very near the ocean of Spirit and maybe you are soaking wet.  Go deeper.  Throw off your robes of convention, your old habits and favorite means of human survival, and take the naked dive into deeper immersion with your soul.  Dive until you become one with the ocean of love and experience the peace and joy that is all around and in you.

Come on in, the water is fine!


On the Minister's Mind


When the Saints Go Marching On