On the Minister's Mind

by Rev. Laine Morgan

Having a passion for life happens when we get in touch with the eternal flame burning within, illuminating the path of our existence with purpose, enthusiasm, and zest.  Our passion is our profound and deeply personal connection to the world around us, in its wholeness.  It is driven by an unwavering commitment to embrace every moment with joy and determination. Passion infuses even the most mundane tasks with a sense of meaning, turning ordinary experiences into extraordinary opportunities. It ignites a spark that propels us forward, encouraging us to pursue our dreams and release our fears.

Having a passion for life means cherishing everything that comes our way, no matter how big or small, knowing that there are no accidents in this spiritually complete universe. It's about finding divine beauty in the simplest of things, like the laughter of a loved one, the touch of a gentle breeze, or the vibrant hues of a sunset. It urges us to savor the present moment, knowing that all power is available now.  Yet, at the same time, keeping an eye on the future, for passion is not only about living in the moment but also knowing there are always opportunities for personal growth and progress ahead on our path.

If we tap into it, our passion can be the guiding force that shapes our decisions, leading us towards the pursuit of careers, hobbies, or relationships that truly resonate with our core values and excite us.  When we decide to follow that guiding force, we are led to greater sources of energy.

Oprah Winfrey once said “Passion is energy.  Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites us!”

That greater energy found in passion emboldens us to take risks and embrace challenges, knowing that the journey is way more important than the destination. With passion, setbacks become steppingstones, challenges become valuable lessons, and joy becomes a call for gratitude.

Moreover, a passionate life is infectious!  When we live that way, we inspire those around us to also discover and nurture their own connection to God.  A passionate person is filled with empathy and compassion, because we are fueled by a deep appreciation for the diversity of human experiences. When we lead with passion, we become beacons of hope and motivation, spreading positivity and kindness wherever we go.  In our passion, we are truly exuding Light. 

In essence, having a passion for life is the key to unlocking the full potential of our human spirit. It propels us towards a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment, making every step of the journey worthwhile. So, let us embrace our passions, for they are the essence of what it truly means to be alive.


On the Minister's Mind


On the Minister's Mind