On the Minister’s Mind

with Rev. Laine

On Sunday our community will hold our annual Gratitude Dinner, continuing a personal tradition I have kept in my life for nearly 20 years.  It started in November of 2006 as a Thanksgiving dinner for a few friends who came together as chosen family at my house in Atlanta.  Over the years it shifted to the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and the tradition grew over time.  When I moved to Florida, I eventually stopped the dinner in my home and poured my heart into this appreciative meal at CSLTB.

Breaking bread in the spirit of gratitude is my conscious way to appreciate my spiritual family - the tribe of loving, positive, growing, joyful people on this journey of healing with me.   The meal itself becomes the beautiful background setting for sharing stories, nourishment, laughter and love.  It is something I look forward to every year!

The universal law of attraction maintains that what you appreciate grows, and I am having the time of my life growing this chosen family!  Physician and author Christiane Northrup writes – “Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.”

I invite you to make a list of the people, places, experiences, and things that you appreciate and consider how you actively show your appreciation for them.  If you find that you are soaking up what you can receive from them, but not choosing to support them, you are in reality pushing them away from you.  Affirm their presence in your world with your energy of support and resources, working to keep them available to you and others.

If it is an artist, purchase their creativity.  If it is a person whose help you appreciate, support them to show your gratitude.  If it is a shop, restaurant, museum, or business of any kind, frequent them and tell everyone how much you love going there.  And, of course, if it is an organization that makes a difference in your life, appreciate them with your volunteering, generous donations, and active participation, helping them to grow stronger.

This is how we sustain and grow that which we love.  It’s a practice, and it’s the law!  Oh, and please come this weekend and share in our gratitude!


On the Minister’s Mind


On the Minister’s Mind