On the Minister’s Mind

with Rev. Laine

"When the inner walls to your soul are graffitied with advertisements, commercials, and the opinions of everyone who has ever known and labeled you, turning inwards requires nothing less than a major clean-up." - Dawna Markova, I Will Not Die an Unlived Life

Who and what have you allowed to paint graffiti on the walls of your inner self?  Are there words and images within you that continue to limit you or label you in ways that no longer serve your highest visions for your life?

We have all had nay-sayers and negative people cross our paths, but no one’s opinion of you has more power than you personally give it.  Nothing in the past is present in this current moment unless you bring it forward by holding on to it, remembering it, and talking about it.  Taking control of your inner life is one of the most life-changing steps of healing and growing.

Part of our spiritual healing process is that of cleaning up this unhelpful inner environment.  We do this by increasing our awareness of our self-talk and repetitive negative thinking, then challenging these patterns as we notice them.  It takes practice and diligence, but everyone can do it.

We take the cleansing power of forgiveness and gently wash away the years of self-sabotage and repaint our inner walls with the freshly claimed identity of our spiritual self.  We dismantle the scaffolding we built by disempowering memories and events that defined us as broken, knowing now that they were simply invitations to remember who we really are.

Who you are is a child of the Universe, fully equipped with everything you need to live a free, amazing, and powerful existence.  Starting right here and now, you can claim your place in the world as a being of  Light and Love and Peace, allowing your inner holiness to shine through.  It is what you are here to be.

Graffiti has no place on the walls of your soul.  Turn within and release your attachment to anything within that does not speak of your beauty, your light, and your truest self.  Scrub that stuff off and shine! 


On the Minister’s Mind


Wake Up Call