On the Minister's Mind

Have you ever wondered why you can run into the same situation multiple times, but have a completely different experience each time? To give an example, imagine having a friend cancel a scheduled lunch date. This has probably happened multiple times in your life, as it has in mine. 

One time when it happens you feel relieved and move on with other activities, but the next time your plans get cancelled you feel rejected and small. Yet, the next time you get angry and vow to never look forward to such a date again. And then, you may also have the reaction of compassion toward the friend and ask to reschedule. Your reaction can vary greatly, can’t it?

How can one person have such a variety of responses to the same situation? You might say it has to do with factors related to the friend, such as how often they cancel plans, what reason they give, how much advance notice they provided, their role in your overall life, and other variables about them. Such ideas are searching for external causes.  However, I believe our responses reflect how we see ourselves in the moment, an inner cause.

If we see ourselves as lovable and engaged with the people around us, our response will be different than if our self-esteem is on the rocks and we doubt our worthiness. If we are feeling lonely, we are going to react differently than if we are feeling overwhelmed with busyness.

This is a simple example of how your reaction to life experiences reflect who you know yourself to be – in that moment.  In other words, things are constantly happening and our reaction to those things reveals our current inner space, and if we aren’t sufficiently self-aware, our inner space can turn on a dime. 

If our inner space is chaotic, filled with anxiety and uncertainty, cluttered with self-doubt, and pulsing with anger or fear, our reactions to this type of change tend to be ego-based and self-protective. But, if we can practice shifting the energy vibration within us, those reactions can also shift.

Spiritual practice is how we “clean-up” our inner space. Meditation is an opportunity to center ourselves in the truth that we are inherently divine, contained within the Oneness of the Universe, peaceful and vital always. Affirmations allow us to declare our worthiness and the natural order of everything that unfolds. Through spiritual practice we can vibrate with love and compassion as our general state of consciousness, day after day. This poise can be maintained, regardless of external circumstances.

So, the next time your feathers get ruffled, and your reaction is less than loving, remember to look within to see what is really going on. Life will always be showing you who you know yourself to be, right here and right now. Think about it.


A Practitioner’s Perspective


On the Minister's Mind