On the Minister's Mind

During the month of May, we are talking about aligning the values that guide our decisions to our highest values, or those that support our spiritual expansion. One of those values must be love, as God is love. If God is love, it is our soul’s calling to be the love in our lives.

As we love ourselves and others, we support growth and transformation with our compassion and acceptance. We appreciate the good things being done, the positive efforts being made, the ways people are trying to do their best. We recognize those attributes and qualities that we would enjoy experiencing more. In other words, we pay attention to the things we want to expand.

Here is how Gary Zukav, the author of The Seat of the Soul, wrote about this.

"If you attend to the negative aspects of life, if you choose to focus your attention on the weaknesses of others, on their faults and shortcomings, you draw to yourself the lower-frequency energy currents of disdain, anger, and hatred. You put distance between yourself and others. If you choose to focus your attention on the strengths of others, on the virtues of others, on that part of others that strives for the highest, you run through your system the higher-frequency currents of appreciation, acceptance, and love."

- Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul

The truth is that what we think of others is highly impactful in our own lives. If we value love, our thoughts, choices, and actions are based in love.  We see others with the eyes of love, drawing out the very best in them. We choose to see their strengths and virtues because that is what love does. As a result, the energy running through our own lives is better too.

If we value love, we also hear others through that filter. We listen with our hearts to discern that the words being said are either an expression of love and appreciation, or a request for love and appreciation. Hearing this way allows us to speak with greater love too.

Everyone has parts of themselves that are underdeveloped and unhealed. Judgment and anger only further their pain, and ours as well. Let’s choose to pay attention to the other parts and see the light in their eyes, allowing the Spirit within us to behold the Spirit within everyone else.

This takes practice, and a dedication to living our highest value – Love. The world needs more frequencies of appreciation, acceptance, and love. So do we.


On the Minister's Mind


On the Minister's Mind