On the Minister's Mind

by Rev. Laine Morgan

 In the book Magic of the Soul, Patrick Harbula said “Each individual has a unique role through which they support the evolution of the planet and of the human species. The expression of purpose through one’s life is possibly the highest aspect of the magic of the soul.”

I know many people who struggle to find what they consider their “life purpose” and it shocks them a little when I suggest that their purpose is simply to be a being of light and love wherever they go.  I emphasize that Spirit doesn’t care WHAT we do, God cares WHO we are as we do whatever we do.

Isn’t it wonderful when you encounter someone in your day that is living on purpose?  You know, like the toll taker who brightens the experience in the 10 seconds you are in their presence.  Or how about the bank teller who goes out of their way to make sure you get exactly the bills you prefer.  Maybe you encounter a school crossing guard who knows every child’s name as they pass each day.  Or a deputy that treats every citizen with respect and dignity as they handle their duties.

Someone living their purpose is engaged in their daily activities in ways that further evolve the people around them in big and small ways.  Regardless of career or position in life, people living their purpose are doing whatever they do from the power of their inner spirit.  And, even when their own life circumstances change, their purpose shines through in the next chapter too.

As I shared in class this week, my purpose is to help people examine and release their fears.  I have found myself in that role since my early childhood days on the playground and in the classroom, all the way through my varied career paths, and right into ministry, teaching and coaching.   It is expressed in friendships and other key relationships too, mostly during one-on-one encounters.   My techniques and methods may have evolved over my lifetime, but the basic purpose has remained the same.

Your soul wants to be on purpose as it lives as you.  Find your purpose through whatever gives you joy and energy, whatever makes you feel alive and engaged, and allows you to make a difference, no matter how small.  Then, take that purpose into every space you enter.  It is a magical way to live!


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On the Minister's Mind