On the Minister's Mind

with Rev. Laine Morgan

Last Sunday, I shared a passage in my lesson that seemed to resonate with everyone present.  It included a phrase that said something like -  “Anything you are not changing, you are choosing.” That got my attention the first time I heard it, and it continues to be thought-provoking.

As we explore the topic of Divine Discontent this month, it bears remembering that we have the power of choice when we feel that stirring of restlessness. We can either ignore the discontent and cling to the same old patterns, or we can begin preparing for change. Familiarity and predictability are human level desires and values, but our deepest soul craves growth and expansion.

So, what is your human ego choosing that your soul wants to change? Often the answer to that question is an inconvenient truth, because the hardest things to change are the big stuff – career paths, physical habits, major relationships, living situations, lifestyles, etc. 

Often, when faced with Divine Discontent in those areas, we can feel frozen by indecision. If that is happening in your life, remember that big changes don’t have to happen in one fell swoop. Big changes are often best broken down into small steps, and maybe even tiny steps. The first step is always the willingness to look at the possibility of changing, and I encourage the second step to be that of inviting Spirit to guide you to others who can help support you as you navigate the later steps. Those two steps will have you on your way to something different.

Don’t settle for a life that is less than your best. If you can conceive of a bigger and bolder thing for yourself, and if you truly see it as a possibility for this lifetime, start the process of walking toward it, one tiny step at a time.

Anything you are not changing, you are choosing!


Getting at the Reality Behind the Screens


On the Minister's Mind