On the Minister's Mind

with Rev. Laine Morgan

In our teaching, the Science of Mind, we constantly talk about the power of words.  Just last Sunday, I used the famous Don Miguel Ruiz phrase – “Be Impeccable with your word” – reminding everyone that we should be very mindful and use care when speaking.

Deepak Chopra takes it a little further when he writes -  “Language creates reality. Words have power. Speak always to create joy.”

Language does create our reality.  When you call a thing a thing, it truly is that thing to you, even if to someone else it is quite a different thing!   And onto that thing we project so many other words.  It is hard or it is easy.  It is a part of my life or it has nothing to do with me.  It is important or it is insignificant.  It is familiar or it is foreign.  It has power or it is powerless to me.   In other words, we give everything personal meaning through our words.  Do you see the personal responsibility in that?

Here’s how it works - if we change our words about a thing, we can change our relationship to it.  And, when we change our relationship to something, our experience of it changes too.  This is how we can change our lives.

I hope you joined us in our experience of claiming a white stone word for 2024.  Our community begins each year in this way, asking each person to put a single word in stone for themselves.  As you start to have a new relationship with your word, I invite you to get deeply curious about it!

What is the common definition of the word?  What is your personal definition of it?  What is its etymology?  Is it hard to live or is it easy to experience for you?  How important will you allow it to be as you make your choices each day?  How do you already live this word, and what dream do you have for living it more fully?  Is there a way to speak your word aloud every single day in some powerful way?  Can your word be sprinkled with joy and fun?  So many ways to explore your special word.

Words truly do have power!  Have your grand rising each day and speak powerful words over yourself and your life!


On the Minister's Mind


A Practitioner’s Perspective