On the Minister's Mind

by Rev. Laine Morgan

Where do you draw the line?  When we use that phrase, we are usually being asked to clarify our boundary, so let me be more specific.  Where do you draw the line between your love and the rest of the world?

All of us have an imaginary line drawn around ourselves that encircles everyone to whom we extend our love and appreciation.  Outside of that line lies everyone with whom we withhold our love.  I believe one of our life goals must be to keep pushing that line outward until there is no human being outside the circle.

Are you saying everyone?  Yes, everyone should be inside your circle of love.  Everyone?  Yes, with no exceptions.  Easy?  No.  It’s a constant practice.

As I shared Sunday during my lesson, Ernest Holmes wrote – “An evolved soul judges no one, condemns no one, but realizes that all are on the road of experience, seeking the same goal, and that each must ultimately find his home in Heaven.”

We usually stick a person, or a group of people, outside our heavenly circle of love because of a judgment or condemnation we carry, either because of a personal experience or something we were taught.  Healing those judgments and recognizing our inherent Oneness is the path to becoming what Holmes calls “an evolved soul”, and we must all evolve in this lifetime or the next.

As we spend the month of September with the theme “Love Out Loud”, the invitation is to do our inner work to continue encircling more humanity as we go.  Love is our most natural expression, so let’s not block it with some imaginary line that has no purpose except to restrict many blessings of good in our lives.

Wherever you draw the line, erase it, and let love flow!


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