A Practitioner’s Perspective

Are you paying attention?

I am energized by creativity. It clears the mental cobwebs and provides new insights.  It brings me such joy to write, paint, bake, garden, etc. I appreciate seeing music, theater, and art shows. I am in wonder of the talent and beauty of what I see and hear, and it all gives me energy! 

Nature also energizes me. It fills my cup and activates my senses to walk in a forest listening deeply to the sounds and breathing the earthy scents along the way. And, the blessing is that Nature is everywhere!

I live on a lake and for the past few years, I have slowed down enough to notice the cycles of nature right outside my door - the migrations, the babies, the parenting and even death.  The turtles come up and lay eggs in my yard.  The gators float in circles touching their noses together when they are courting. 

And the birds are magnificent!  I’ve noticed that the Sandhill crane parents don’t fly once their baby colt is born, and they walk around for months protecting it and teaching it where to eat and hunt and walk.  The white pelicans come, but I noticed that they don’t come every year to our lake. There’s a starling murmuration that happens once a year. It’s so incredible to watch because the flock often stays an entire day resting and murmuring, and they return to the exact same trees each time they come. The Anhinga is a very funny bird! Imagine climbing up a tree without hands and with webbed feet,  and squawking when they fall or slide. It’s like an episode of America’s Funniest Home Videos. 

I once saw a blue heron pull an eel out of the shallow sand of the lake. I had to look it up, I didn’t even know we had eels in our lake. I was thrilled to have witnessed it and the 30-minute exchange that followed before the heron was able to finally swallow the eel.

I’ve spoken to my neighbors, and it amazes me how many of them haven’t noticed the same things. Maybe I notice them because all of it is nourishing for me.

The “circle of life” is awe inspiring and painful. I love the imagery of a circle. It’s the circle of life - not the square or triangle of life. A circle is continuous and can flow in a way that a square simply cannot. Our lives are like that as well.  We are meant to flow, to roll, to grow and to pay attention. 

What energizes you? What fills your cup and brings you joy? What beauty are you noticing in your everyday life? Pay attention this week to what inspires you. What beauty is right outside your window? Ask yourself if you are currently feeling energized, inspired, and joy filled. If you aren’t – WHY? Pay attention and go do more of the things that light you up. 

I will also add that you are one of the things that lights me up! Your presence when we’re together at the Center adds to my vitality.  I am so grateful for all these things that add Life to my days.


On the Minister's Mind


On the Minister's Mind