On the Minister’s Mind

with Rev. Laine

Enough by Andru Defeye

You are enough

Divinity flows in your fingertips
        with light so radiant
        every beat of your heart
a victory march
made of whole universes
        stitched by the hands of creation
        with flawless design
a prophecy You fulfill perfectly with every breath


The sun wouldn’t shine the same without it
Creation is only waiting for You
                to smile back at it

Do you see it yet?

You are enough
        For the birds to sing about
        For the seeds to sprout about
        For the stars to shoot about

        Do you see it yet?

        Gardens in your speech
Fields of wildflowers in your prayers
        Lighthouses in your eyes
    No one else can see it for you

You have always been enough
You will always be enough

Your simple act of being is enough

            Do you see it yet?


I shared this insightful poem last week during my lesson, but I felt it was important enough to share again here.  Perhaps you needed to read it for yourself and let its truth sink in a bit more.

It may be hard to accept the fact that you are enough, but if it is, I invite you to reconsider what “you” are you measuring? Sure, our “human self” is still learning the best way to go through the circumstances and relationships and lessons our souls chose in this lifetime, and maybe you are just discovering the power of your “spiritual self”, or your inner self. If you do find your human self to be lacking, the good news is that you have something within you that is more than enough – always.

I love that the poem reminds us that nature celebrates all of life in its magnificence, including us. The birds sing, the seeds sprout, the stars shoot! They do their divine selves, and we do ours. We may not sing or sprout or shoot, but we pray, we illuminate, we smile, we simply are.  Nature does not worry about its worthiness as it is doing whatever it does, nor should we. 

As we learn about Oneness, we know that the same source of Life that flows through nature, also flows through our very being.  We are made of the same “stuff”, so what is true about nature is also true about us. 

We are enough. I am enough. You are enough. Today and always, no matter what. And, today, I celebrate that truth with and for you.


A Practitioner’s Perspective


On the Minister’s Mind